the shatter of earth's collapse |
☂Not that anyone will actually see this, but you might or might not have gotten the reference above...anyway. Please do note that this online journal has been fighting the battle of neglect and time, often on the losing end, and really does feel like some sort of blue elephant that one's got to keep somewhat alive. For the sake of tradition, I suppose. (K) Yuan here. linkageblue birds flap fandoms + happiness + the lot where the ego centersit's all quite narcissistic, really. |
School has started once moreAnd all's fine so far. The classes are a lot more stressful, with every minute holding 60 times more importance than half an hour of Sec 2 classes ever did, but so far I have four subject/classes I can look forward to: English, Literature, Chinese (My new teacher's really nice and the class is ridiculously bad at Chinese and , it's funny) and Social Studies(S.S) (the latter is because of the teacher, really. He has a strong, commanding voice and all and really sounds like a lawyer or summat. He also has this posh accent and teaches really well.) The new class is okay, a lot of us have tumblrs and twitters and yesterday afternoon has a group of us singing songs and Amanda (a classmate whose enviable musical talent I've just discovered) playing my guitar. We'd also charted up a "family tree" (cheesy idea, I know. not mine.) and I'm married to a classmate named Erna and have two daughters. We have an open and self-proclaimed legal agreement that we will both have open affairs with men. (B-) ) Still not used to the class though. Through self-analysis I've realized that without two years of minor drama I don't know where I stand in this class. (and yes, that is a partial confession that I miss being in C1) I swing in between moods like boredom, envy, indifference, loneliness, and boredom again, and I try not to take too many toilet breaks to sms Wajja because I'm afraid to miss crucial lesson bits. Thus when I met (briefly) with Wajja and her cousin Audrey yesterday to watch Wings I was kind of a nervous twit. Okay this was gonna be a short post but I can see it getting long. Anyway. Let's see, in the span of time between my last post and now, a few things have happened. My grandfather passed away (won't bore you with the details and grief and sob stories and all, but I do miss him.). I started shipping Sherlock Holmes and the BBC TV series Sherlock (quite new, excellent adaptation and VERY SHORT D:). I've been to Western Australia (touring around it in a rented car) and, since I couldn't connect to the Internet from there, sent Wajja a postcard and a letter. I've seen an alpacca. I watched a Monk Christmas episode ON Christmas (8DD). I've read The Final Problem then immediately begun on The Return of Sherlock Holmes (xD). I've been elected as the English rep. Okay if there's anything else I can't recall for now. Wajja's now in Malaysia "watching people get married" (her words LOL), and I'm sittin' here tumblrin' and doing my Literature homework. Going out later to watch What Did You Learn Today?, a play that's part of the M1 Singapore Fringe Festival which is ending tomorrow. I had wanted to watch another play called Model Citizens but I didn't manage to book the tickets because of my foolish timing. :( It got rave reviews! Ah well, just hope this one's as good. It seems intense and thought-proking, though I'm in the mood for something light-hearted and funny. I'll obviously be tumblring and tweeting a lot more than I post here, so look out there. (btw I've changed URL and username: Tumblr Twitter) BACK TO MY HOMEWORK!
photo background by all material copyright © don't play on the stairs 2011. theme by aellyniq. |
794 year old tea-drinking oddity, decidedly mature and child. Vaguely thespian, Singapore, girls' school foundations. Writes a bit and pretends a lot. Floats in brillance from people like Regina Spektor, Damien Rice, Keane, Lisa Hannigan etc. Agnostic pantheist, and very married to Benedict Cumberbatch. Liberal + feminist, i guess. Books are eternal, and Indian+local literature is lovely. Considerably fond of all things geek, elephant, and astronomy. Also an absolute fangirl/shipper of all things BBC Sherlock, Granada Holmes, Doctor Who, Simon Amstell, Catherine Tate, Jeremy Brett and canonical Holmes.
I sleep a lot and like the English a bit too much. (as evident)
I used a lot of sources for this layout. These are the wonderful people who made this skin possible:
aellyniq p.s. please do not remove these credits. |