the shatter of earth's collapse |
☂Not that anyone will actually see this, but you might or might not have gotten the reference above...anyway. Please do note that this online journal has been fighting the battle of neglect and time, often on the losing end, and really does feel like some sort of blue elephant that one's got to keep somewhat alive. For the sake of tradition, I suppose. (K) Yuan here. linkageblue birds flap fandoms + happiness + the lot where the ego centersit's all quite narcissistic, really. |
just dropping byokay just posting something so the first post wouldn't be stuck on that emoangry thing Hello. okay done now off to watch more merlin (it's really quite good i mean the whole thing has the potential to be cheesy but it ain't so 8) and colin morgan's Merlin is *epitome of naturalistic acting* lol) // oh fine been on holidays a lot this... holiday. oh and finally went bushopping will maybe might post something on it once the photos are processed which would be quite some time as in never first was OSL Cambodia - lovely place, great people, notsogreat company but that doesn't matter (half day touchdown SG and then OFF ON THE) second was china, in time for being old and grandpa's 扫墓 and things -- also met grandpa's eldest brother and his second wife. interesting couple, and believe a friend found in 二婆婆 (no one knows what to call them anyway so B) ) they live in the US and he knows english and german while she can't survive without him there translating. she's into theatre (!) and taught chinese in high school/junior high (/shamed/). they met when she was 60+ and he somewhere near 70 and you can see how they misfit to fit. Also we brought grandma back (yay). And there was snow ! all was supposed to be well and relaxed and slacking until Brother went off to NS (LOLOL) and then he has off days and requests to go to club med. which leads to the third, where we expose how grossly overpriviledged we are and fly off to club med bali on short notice to spend new year's there. (and we just came back. a day before school starts. whoop.) it was okay, didn't join the social clubs and all for once. for starters they looked utterly terrifying and they were all ang mohs who looked like they popped out of a YA novel and in no way would i like to become the protagonist whining all the waay so yah stayed away, with family. always thought club med's pointless without joining that sort of stuff but it's really actually quite nice. wanted peace anyway, was gonna jump into five days of fandom in isolation before dragged out. oh and also met a South African girl named Alka who's prolly 2 gen Dutch? and was friendly and is pretty and probably lonely so chatted to me hehg. she taught me a bit of Afrikaans (AfriKaans?) which is nice. and observed snotty girls and one particular suspected sg-migrated-australia girl, around my age. a bit more friendly with ang mohs... of course i was like that once but yah. anyway, should go back to merlin. (*snickers*) DW christmas special was quite messy by Moffat's standard, and idek really really hope he doesn't accidentally sink the entire ship; he is under a lot of pressure from BBC. Power of Three (saved!) is a quite lovely one, think Moffat might need to rest a bit and let other writers take over for more episodes. you can't just keep squeezing yourself for scarily brilliant things better to have lesser scripts of more brilliance than more scripts where you're dry... i miss the old TARDIS already i miss Tennant i miss Donna :>: // aaaand school starts tomorrow. shyte. still, hopefully things work out okay. need to make new liasions, no more dylanashley bushes to hide in. isabelle's there (yay!), as are couple of theatre females. and one offended classmate. B) (k.) p.s Amelié is a beautiful beautiful existence and Yann Tiersen is a genius along with Murray Gold who is also an amusing existence. p.p.s oh, and uh, happy 2013. one more rotation round the sun ! beginning of years aren't very nice. always liked the latter quater better. |
photo background by all material copyright © don't play on the stairs 2011. theme by aellyniq. |
794 year old tea-drinking oddity, decidedly mature and child. Vaguely thespian, Singapore, girls' school foundations. Writes a bit and pretends a lot. Floats in brillance from people like Regina Spektor, Damien Rice, Keane, Lisa Hannigan etc. Agnostic pantheist, and very married to Benedict Cumberbatch. Liberal + feminist, i guess. Books are eternal, and Indian+local literature is lovely. Considerably fond of all things geek, elephant, and astronomy. Also an absolute fangirl/shipper of all things BBC Sherlock, Granada Holmes, Doctor Who, Simon Amstell, Catherine Tate, Jeremy Brett and canonical Holmes.
I sleep a lot and like the English a bit too much. (as evident)
I used a lot of sources for this layout. These are the wonderful people who made this skin possible:
aellyniq p.s. please do not remove these credits. |