the shatter of earth's collapse |
☂Not that anyone will actually see this, but you might or might not have gotten the reference above...anyway. Please do note that this online journal has been fighting the battle of neglect and time, often on the losing end, and really does feel like some sort of blue elephant that one's got to keep somewhat alive. For the sake of tradition, I suppose. (K) Yuan here. linkageblue birds flap fandoms + happiness + the lot where the ego centersit's all quite narcissistic, really. |
I PROMISE THAT THIS IS A HAPPIER POST, I SWEAR!HEEEELLLYYYYYHOOOOOOS! Waj always told me that I'd greet people CHEERFULLY and then start telling them about the troubles in my life whenever i post LOL. So FOR A CHANGE, instead of SAD, TROUBLED, RAMBLINKINGS, I shall, uh, post. :D. School's started, all the bores and resentments, as usual, blahblah (YOU WILL NOT GO FURTHER INTO THAT YOU YOOJ LION DEN ! :)!). OH and I didn't get to go to school on Friday(OH THE SADNESS, THE UTTER SADNESS!) cos SOTA invited me to the school for a "one-day experience" that was basically sort of the second round of auditions, from what I've heard. It basically consists of me joining a class for a day and the teachers and all will observe me, and it's also sort of for the person audition to fin out whether they suit the school lifestyle. I found that the teachers are much more passionate about their teaching than my current teachers (most notably that class' Physics teacher), almost like Latiff (P6 Science teacher :D), and the stuff that they do is much more interesting and in depth than normal MOE curriculum, and certainly not less stressful, but I like that, it has much more reason that just accepting everything we're learning without question. We did political theatre (I FINALLY KNEW HOW TO SPELL IT :D) during the art form session and that was quite an eye-opener, to say the least. The standard is definitely higher, and I finally saw how PAP was bad. Okay this might be the part where I start ranting and protesting PAP's ways although those ways brought Singapore peace. I realized during the theatre session that MOE's education system does have a hidden curriculum of making people obey to instructions, laws, rules, etc. While that does make laws a more effective measure of solving a problem, it leaves us quite dumb when there's no one around to command us or tell us what to do. Also, I think there's some denial going on. If you've seen the papers, there's this article with the government countering the US human trafficking index, which state(d) that Singapore was in the ranks of China and India in terms of human trafficking numbers. The government spoke out against it, instead of investigating if that was the truth, which leads me to be sceptical of their claims of the low rates of human trafficking. Plus, if the rates were very low, then why are there ZoCards of "Sound Out against sex trafficking, Singapore" ?? (link) Okay THAT wasn't sad right ?!?? :) Anws, this is the trailer for Rango, which stars JOHNNY DEPP and is about a chameleon with an identity crisis! :) they all sound so depressed LOL. CHEERS! Thaw Kooj. (ye geddit ye geddit ye geddit ye geddit :D)
photo background by all material copyright © don't play on the stairs 2011. theme by aellyniq. |
794 year old tea-drinking oddity, decidedly mature and child. Vaguely thespian, Singapore, girls' school foundations. Writes a bit and pretends a lot. Floats in brillance from people like Regina Spektor, Damien Rice, Keane, Lisa Hannigan etc. Agnostic pantheist, and very married to Benedict Cumberbatch. Liberal + feminist, i guess. Books are eternal, and Indian+local literature is lovely. Considerably fond of all things geek, elephant, and astronomy. Also an absolute fangirl/shipper of all things BBC Sherlock, Granada Holmes, Doctor Who, Simon Amstell, Catherine Tate, Jeremy Brett and canonical Holmes.
I sleep a lot and like the English a bit too much. (as evident)
I used a lot of sources for this layout. These are the wonderful people who made this skin possible:
aellyniq p.s. please do not remove these credits. |