the shatter of earth's collapse

"Hello sweetie."

Not that anyone will actually see this, but you might or might not have gotten the reference above...anyway. Please do note that this online journal has been fighting the battle of neglect and time, often on the losing end, and really does feel like some sort of blue elephant that one's got to keep somewhat alive. For the sake of tradition, I suppose.

(K) Yuan here.


blue birds flap fandoms + happiness + the lot where the ego centers

it's all quite narcissistic, really.

Date: <$BlogDateHeaderDate$>
Time: 9:11 AM
Permalink: isolation

Oh look, bird....

FREE PERIODS! :D I love these times. I hate floorball. The PE teacher's gotta meeting, yaye. :)
I got a donkey from Nat today, she said it's from Malacca and that it's a giraffe but i donch care, when i say donkey you say donkey too, kapeesh? :) And it tumbles when you press it's underside button. It looks funnywunny :)
Went to the IKEA sale yesterday, and got a new blanket and three baskets to put my underwear and socks, finally, but ah, when i sorted the stuff into the baskets ah, waah, the SOCKS were overflowing, and the underwear baskets were like, koosong. And i don't wear socks, i don't even like socks! I'm not even sure all of them are mine. o.o
And when i was doing my Chinese toition work yesterday, they were having this RC thing downstairs and they turned the megaphone on damn loud eh, and then they were like "Okay, now's time for ice-cream eating competition! Come come, ice-cream very nice, is Häagen-Dazs, come come!" and then i'm there, like I WANT WHAT THE TOOT YOU NEVR EVEN INVITE US HAI HYO HYO YOU AAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!!! *flags hands*

You see the evilness of Hong Kah North. They set up horrible afterschoolcare centres and organize these distracting, annoying rallies and eat nice icecream and dont even invite us. >:(

I'm hungry. Oh and btw, my grandma's now obsessed with the hamsters. Marge and Sherlock are strangely quite fat now, and the babies are getting bigger and cuter. :)


Number 3 :D

Number 4!


Marge Mama :)

Finger, again. :D

Number 1 :D

Number 3 & 4 :3 :D

All together :D


photo background by all material copyright © don't play on the stairs 2011. theme by aellyniq.

Department of People Relations Missus bleedin whot, exactly? time travel in hansom cabs Page credits