the shatter of earth's collapse

"Hello sweetie."

Not that anyone will actually see this, but you might or might not have gotten the reference above...anyway. Please do note that this online journal has been fighting the battle of neglect and time, often on the losing end, and really does feel like some sort of blue elephant that one's got to keep somewhat alive. For the sake of tradition, I suppose.

(K) Yuan here.


blue birds flap fandoms + happiness + the lot where the ego centers

it's all quite narcissistic, really.

Date: <$BlogDateHeaderDate$>
Time: 8:37 AM
Permalink: isolation

I miss India D:

Sorry i didn't post after i came back from india, was too busy and tired, :B
In english now, and it's technically free period but with the right teacher present. Who keeps asking me how i am. o.o Anws. :D
India was damn fun, and really nice. I saw my first gypsies, and although they didn't exactly match up to what i had in mind,but still. We flew to Delhi first, and then stayed overnight at the airport. And i stole a pillow from SIA and used it. It's very comfy but kinda sticky-dirty. Oh well.
Then took the domestic flight to Jaipur and reached the hosting school, Neerja Modi School. Was damn tired but still had to go out and tour and stuff. Roomed with Cat(therine), Sha-naz and Yi Qin, nice people. :)
Okay have to go soon so i shall sum things up. We went to Pushka, a sort of desert but with nice mountains, where there were true gypsies living simple lives, and they looked happy and calm, and i wonder why cant we all live like this. Then i realised if we all do it wouldn't be peaceful. (:
We also went to the Taj Mahal :D It's really pretty, and around had alot, alot, and ALOT of squirrels. Although the water thingy in front of it quite dirty. O_O
The traffic there is scary but fun, and it is what you think it's like, although it might not be that bad. And over there camels, cows and dogs are traffic too, and there's a significant lack of traffic lights. We had to crossroads sooner or later, and there's this JUST DO IT thing about it.:) And the highways ah, waaaahh. VERYVERLLY bumpy eh. Like BOING BOING BOING calmmm BOING. Repeat that for every minute on 5hourlong journeys. All the stuff in the bladder come out ahhr. :)
Oh and after we went to the Taj we went bargaining and i bought lotsa things which ended up being little things but oh well.:) Miss Saifa bargained for all of us, and wopman was it scary., She was bargaining FOR me and I feel scared eh, wah.
Oh and for the CIP part, the REASON we came here, was to take over the classrooms of the Nischay Girls School, which was for girls who came from poor families and all, and they were really nice and sweet, although we couldn't really talk cos they didn't know much English and we know NO HINDI, absolutely none, mmmh mmm, none, zlitch blahgaga, but they still participated and stuff, and they LOVE the camera the way robbers love money and hamster like to chew. Seriously. It's amazing. They MOBBED ME. Well, okay i made myself be mobbed but6 STILL! They were all like "Didi one photo?" (x 998 more) and then more and more girls join in and then i had to take and then you have to take it fast because they want one alone and the rest would join her eventually if i were slow but yeah what i talking ah i suppose to make this a good and nice and meaningful paragraph eh. ANWS, my point is, they don't usually have a camera at all, and when they do they get really exicited, and i think they love the fact that you can rewind to that moment. Sweet, really.:) And after i came back I NOW APPRECIATE MANY MANY THINGS, ESPECIALLY *dumdum* THE TAP WATER! NO MORE ABUSE OF PLASTIC BOTTLES! HOORAHYAY! (o:

And what the toot is wrong with my battery. o.o It's runs out after two hours on PowerSave D:
Okay i have to go down for recess now, and btw
Fourteen years of wagging, hope you would wagg for many many many many more years to COME! (: One Many represents a century. (:

Okay that WAS written on Wajwaj's brithday but i kinda editted this so yeah. (o: But today's Timtum's birthday! :D


photo background by all material copyright © don't play on the stairs 2011. theme by aellyniq.

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