the shatter of earth's collapse

"Hello sweetie."

Not that anyone will actually see this, but you might or might not have gotten the reference above...anyway. Please do note that this online journal has been fighting the battle of neglect and time, often on the losing end, and really does feel like some sort of blue elephant that one's got to keep somewhat alive. For the sake of tradition, I suppose.

(K) Yuan here.


blue birds flap fandoms + happiness + the lot where the ego centers

it's all quite narcissistic, really.

Date: <$BlogDateHeaderDate$>
Time: 1:07 PM
Permalink: isolation

The SOTA thing, again.

Time rolls faster than it takes for Tiger Woods to seduce Jack Neo, and the June TA for SOTA's coming nearer and nearer into my face. While doing Maths and smsing Sajja, she told me she was learning some acid topic for Science and I don't think the MOE Sec 2 Science syllabus has that, and then i started thinking about SOTA, if i get in or if i don't, how to get in and all, and then i really fear that the IB syllabus is more different than i thought i was and i started freaking out cos they did say that you were supposed to transfer within the same academic year, meaning that if i do get accepted, it meant that i would have to leave Crescent halfway through Sec 2. (okay maybe not literally HALFway but yeah, summthin like that.) And that would be so... abrupt. And as much as i like to, that would be weird and I'd feel as if something's always off or something. (sentance structure = o.o) It's either that or I join SOTA next year as a Year 2, and that would be a bignormous NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. :/
Dhan said that there are IB tutors out there and i thunk i might get one, if i get accepted, and then maybe i can catch up with the IB syllabus, but then the thing is, LD's gonna have two Blackboxes this year, and that would mean i'd probably miss out on the second Blackbox. ):
And i am nervous like TOOTYTOOT for TA, i tell you. And when i'm nervous, my legs shake like a 10.9 earthquake, and if i move i WILL fall. >:/
Good thing is, Lynn (from LD, new addition :D) wants to try for SOTA too, so i guess i have a partner in terms of auditions. And Wajjie as counsellor. :B
And then i'm also worried about the other If; If i don't get in, how? I am going to DIE in Crescent, and in O Levels. And i don't want to. Well, no one does, really, but yeah. :/
So many darn ifs. That's why i know i would prefer Feburary to May much more, because i'm less in a dilema. Oh well. Not that i want to stay in Crescent, mind you, but at least i would still have a choice now.

Oh darn you choices.


photo background by all material copyright © don't play on the stairs 2011. theme by aellyniq.

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