the shatter of earth's collapse

"Hello sweetie."

Not that anyone will actually see this, but you might or might not have gotten the reference above...anyway. Please do note that this online journal has been fighting the battle of neglect and time, often on the losing end, and really does feel like some sort of blue elephant that one's got to keep somewhat alive. For the sake of tradition, I suppose.

(K) Yuan here.


blue birds flap fandoms + happiness + the lot where the ego centers

it's all quite narcissistic, really.

Date: <$BlogDateHeaderDate$>
Time: 11:52 PM
Permalink: isolation

Who says i can't get stoned? :D

Imma gonna try and DEFY what dhandie taggedd. I am now updating on Christmas. Oh shyts. o_O (iwantedtoupdateyesterdaybutbutbutbut....):)
Due to absolute laziness, a liking for Tumblrr and limited time, i shall now officially declare:
We didn't eat porridge for dinner today. YAYE!

:D Meals were screwed up today. Went to IMM in the morning for breakfast, then grocery shopped, went home at 11ish, fell asleep until 3, then ate din-ch (?!:B), then went to museums. (SNM is nice. I<3MUSEUMS! :B)

DONE. Now off to update iPod. It's getting a little ttiring, listening to the same 431 songs over and over. :B


P.S Curious about John Mayer & The Goo Goo Dolls. Currently working my way back in time through Reginie's albums and loving them all. Need more F4F.:D

photo background by all material copyright © don't play on the stairs 2011. theme by aellyniq.

Department of People Relations Missus bleedin whot, exactly? time travel in hansom cabs Page credits